Sunday 11 January 2015

Top Level Domain Host

The table below shows examples of default port numbers. For communication to be successful, must sender and receiver agree on port number therefore standard numbers, but other port numbers may be agreed.

The usual notation for communication address is: 1where the number before the colon is the IP address and the number after the port number. If there is no number after the IP address is expected Protocol standard port.

Ports below 1024 are called privileged recharge api ports only a privileged user can start a service to use a port below 1024. Protocol Standard listening port Protocol Standard listening port Table Examples of standard listening ports for selected protocols Finally, there must also be agreement on the protocol.

At this level there are two protocols to choose from: TCP there is a recharge basin safe protocol, where the protocol ensures that communication is carried out and thus received or errors reported. UDP is uncertain protocol where the communication is sent place with the hope to arrive.

TCP protocol has a greater administrative overhead than UDP protocol and recharge api is therefore slower. Port allocation for each system in the file services on Win NT2000 can be used on most systems to simulate a protocol Example simulate trying...

Connected to ESMTP server Inter Mail ready Wed, Tenet Domains and host names On the Internet, the Internet has established a name system, which consists of domain and host computer names. A host name consists of several parts separated by.

A period of the form: host. A subdivision of a domain optional domain a group of computers Registry a group of recharge api domains.

TLD Top Level Domain It can either be associated with a country or a type of organizations. Generic Top Level Domain country code and determined recharge basin solely by the organization that has acquired a domain.

The various programs computers

Transport layer protocols to ensure data inception TCPUDP Network Layer Protocols to locate the recipient IP Link layer protocols for the network type.

Internet layered model for communications The application layer is the layer of communication that recharge bsnl prepaid ensures that individual applications can communicate with other programs on other computers. These protocols describe how data is formatted and how communication takes place.

Application Layer The application layer uses the transport layer to the carry over of data The transport layer service with two protocols: TCP and UDP. At recharge bsnl prepaid this layer becomes the overlying protocols converted to port numbers makes it possible to distinguish between different types of communication and distinguish between different sessions' communication actions.

TCP protocol is a reliable protocol recharge api that ensures that data reaches the recipient, where the UDP protocol only adds receiving, sending and control information. The network layer service transport layer with information about how the data appears to the recipient, as well as dividing data into smaller pieces recharge api to fit the physical network used.

The network layer knows the physical network the computer is connected to, and information about recharge api how to get to other physical networks Link layer provides the data comes out on the physical network. Link layer only know the physical network computer is switched on.

Overall, these layers it is called recharge api the protocol stack that is responsible for the overall recharge bsnl prepaid communication between the two programs. When two computers communicate, there are5 information they need to be known for both computers.

IP addresses of both computers and the ports used. In addition, the protocol must also be known. The IP address network address, a 32bit numbers anti all with a 32 bits subnet mask. The IP address is made up of4 bytes 0255, which is shared with.

In the shape sublet mask is represented in the same way. The IP address consists simultaneously of two parts and a host recharge api number where it split is determined by the subset mask.

Where network number can consist of random numbers from0 to 255 without a particular pattern will sublet mask always consist of 04 bytes with 255,0 eller1 bytes which can have one of the values: and 04 bytes to the value.

The host number series is the first and the recharge api last number allocated for administrative purposes respectively the network address and broadcast address. IP address Subnet Mask Network Number: Host Number: Networks with room for 254 hosts and two administrative addresses IP address Subnet Mask Network with room for 65,534 hosts and two administrative addresses.

Code Example 6.1: Example of IP numbers and subnet masker In addition to the IP addresses must all communications also have a port number that is a 16 bit number total 65536 that identifies the recharge api protocol communicated with. All protocols have a default port listening on, after which further communication is done at other ports that are not reserved for special purposes.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Described in more detail

Protocols Technically, the Internet consists of a variety of protocols recharge bsnl postpaid for different purposes. A protocol is a standardized way to talk together over a data network. For different purposes there are made various protocols.

By protocols can be mentioned, for example SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol to transfer mails, IP Internet Protocol, which is the protocol that ensures that the other protocols recharge api word does the right places. Later in the report, key protocols be reviewed briefly and the protocols implemented are use of the Internet.

The Internet has had a major impact on how people communicate since the technique is geared to asynchronous communication where information recipient himself decides when he will receive recharge api the information.

 For example. Telephone communication, receiver and sender must agree on the time when the Internet techniques with websites and email mail is designed so that the sender and receiver can act independently. The only bond is that the recharge bsnl postpaid information must be posted before under receivable Communication on the Internet can also be done synchronously with such.

Chat importance to the Internet recharge api CFC As media for the development of standards on the Internet has established a system of daily figures goes by the acronym RFC Request For Comment. RFC system started in 1969 and still functions as a system used for the development of protocols, procedures, programs and concepts for communication between computers.

The specifications of the protocol suite for use on the Internet is controlled by the organization the Internet Engineering Task Force IETF. The IETF is a Steering Group IESG, which is responsible for the practical work with the publication of RFC documents. The system is built that way to recharge api anyone who has ideas or need for standards may apply to the steering committee with suggestions.

These proposals go through a process where apart from the needs, interests and opportunities created a default, which in turn is controlled by recharge api the following basic requirements: Technical solid technical excellence Comprehensive testing before implementation prior implementation and testing Clear, concise and easy to understand documentation clear, concise.

And next UNDERSTOOD documentation Openness and Justice and fairness On time timeliness All these requirements may be difficult to fulfill because there are many interests to be protected. Gradually, where there are also substantial economic interests involved sees protocols be used before there are some standards for it. These protocols are usually referred to as proprietary protocols.

These can later become standards The process is described in RFC 2026 The Internet Standard Process Revision3 6.4 Protocols and communication recharge api When talking about communication over data networks, this communication is divided into several layers.

The rationale recharge api is that there are techniques that communicate between applications, between geographic locations and between different media. For this purpose, models were established for the global communication, which consists of a layering.

In this case, starting with a4 piece recharge api model: Application layer protocols for recharge bsnl postpaid communication between applications ex SMTP, POP3, HTTP, etc.