Showing posts with label mobile recharge app. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile recharge app. Show all posts

Sunday 11 January 2015

Top Level Domain Host

The table below shows examples of default port numbers. For communication to be successful, must sender and receiver agree on port number therefore standard numbers, but other port numbers may be agreed.

The usual notation for communication address is: 1where the number before the colon is the IP address and the number after the port number. If there is no number after the IP address is expected Protocol standard port.

Ports below 1024 are called privileged recharge api ports only a privileged user can start a service to use a port below 1024. Protocol Standard listening port Protocol Standard listening port Table Examples of standard listening ports for selected protocols Finally, there must also be agreement on the protocol.

At this level there are two protocols to choose from: TCP there is a recharge basin safe protocol, where the protocol ensures that communication is carried out and thus received or errors reported. UDP is uncertain protocol where the communication is sent place with the hope to arrive.

TCP protocol has a greater administrative overhead than UDP protocol and recharge api is therefore slower. Port allocation for each system in the file services on Win NT2000 can be used on most systems to simulate a protocol Example simulate trying...

Connected to ESMTP server Inter Mail ready Wed, Tenet Domains and host names On the Internet, the Internet has established a name system, which consists of domain and host computer names. A host name consists of several parts separated by.

A period of the form: host. A subdivision of a domain optional domain a group of computers Registry a group of recharge api domains.

TLD Top Level Domain It can either be associated with a country or a type of organizations. Generic Top Level Domain country code and determined recharge basin solely by the organization that has acquired a domain.

The various programs computers

Transport layer protocols to ensure data inception TCPUDP Network Layer Protocols to locate the recipient IP Link layer protocols for the network type.

Internet layered model for communications The application layer is the layer of communication that recharge bsnl prepaid ensures that individual applications can communicate with other programs on other computers. These protocols describe how data is formatted and how communication takes place.

Application Layer The application layer uses the transport layer to the carry over of data The transport layer service with two protocols: TCP and UDP. At recharge bsnl prepaid this layer becomes the overlying protocols converted to port numbers makes it possible to distinguish between different types of communication and distinguish between different sessions' communication actions.

TCP protocol is a reliable protocol recharge api that ensures that data reaches the recipient, where the UDP protocol only adds receiving, sending and control information. The network layer service transport layer with information about how the data appears to the recipient, as well as dividing data into smaller pieces recharge api to fit the physical network used.

The network layer knows the physical network the computer is connected to, and information about recharge api how to get to other physical networks Link layer provides the data comes out on the physical network. Link layer only know the physical network computer is switched on.

Overall, these layers it is called recharge api the protocol stack that is responsible for the overall recharge bsnl prepaid communication between the two programs. When two computers communicate, there are5 information they need to be known for both computers.

IP addresses of both computers and the ports used. In addition, the protocol must also be known. The IP address network address, a 32bit numbers anti all with a 32 bits subnet mask. The IP address is made up of4 bytes 0255, which is shared with.

In the shape sublet mask is represented in the same way. The IP address consists simultaneously of two parts and a host recharge api number where it split is determined by the subset mask.

Where network number can consist of random numbers from0 to 255 without a particular pattern will sublet mask always consist of 04 bytes with 255,0 eller1 bytes which can have one of the values: and 04 bytes to the value.

The host number series is the first and the recharge api last number allocated for administrative purposes respectively the network address and broadcast address. IP address Subnet Mask Network Number: Host Number: Networks with room for 254 hosts and two administrative addresses IP address Subnet Mask Network with room for 65,534 hosts and two administrative addresses.

Code Example 6.1: Example of IP numbers and subnet masker In addition to the IP addresses must all communications also have a port number that is a 16 bit number total 65536 that identifies the recharge api protocol communicated with. All protocols have a default port listening on, after which further communication is done at other ports that are not reserved for special purposes.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Described in more detail

Protocols Technically, the Internet consists of a variety of protocols recharge bsnl postpaid for different purposes. A protocol is a standardized way to talk together over a data network. For different purposes there are made various protocols.

By protocols can be mentioned, for example SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol to transfer mails, IP Internet Protocol, which is the protocol that ensures that the other protocols recharge api word does the right places. Later in the report, key protocols be reviewed briefly and the protocols implemented are use of the Internet.

The Internet has had a major impact on how people communicate since the technique is geared to asynchronous communication where information recipient himself decides when he will receive recharge api the information.

 For example. Telephone communication, receiver and sender must agree on the time when the Internet techniques with websites and email mail is designed so that the sender and receiver can act independently. The only bond is that the recharge bsnl postpaid information must be posted before under receivable Communication on the Internet can also be done synchronously with such.

Chat importance to the Internet recharge api CFC As media for the development of standards on the Internet has established a system of daily figures goes by the acronym RFC Request For Comment. RFC system started in 1969 and still functions as a system used for the development of protocols, procedures, programs and concepts for communication between computers.

The specifications of the protocol suite for use on the Internet is controlled by the organization the Internet Engineering Task Force IETF. The IETF is a Steering Group IESG, which is responsible for the practical work with the publication of RFC documents. The system is built that way to recharge api anyone who has ideas or need for standards may apply to the steering committee with suggestions.

These proposals go through a process where apart from the needs, interests and opportunities created a default, which in turn is controlled by recharge api the following basic requirements: Technical solid technical excellence Comprehensive testing before implementation prior implementation and testing Clear, concise and easy to understand documentation clear, concise.

And next UNDERSTOOD documentation Openness and Justice and fairness On time timeliness All these requirements may be difficult to fulfill because there are many interests to be protected. Gradually, where there are also substantial economic interests involved sees protocols be used before there are some standards for it. These protocols are usually referred to as proprietary protocols.

These can later become standards The process is described in RFC 2026 The Internet Standard Process Revision3 6.4 Protocols and communication recharge api When talking about communication over data networks, this communication is divided into several layers.

The rationale recharge api is that there are techniques that communicate between applications, between geographic locations and between different media. For this purpose, models were established for the global communication, which consists of a layering.

In this case, starting with a4 piece recharge api model: Application layer protocols for recharge bsnl postpaid communication between applications ex SMTP, POP3, HTTP, etc.

Friday 5 December 2014

Best be explained

It was not our interest to pursue this idea, but instead we found Jim Shores thoughts about doing virtual information available on physical places interesting.

We could therefore see an opportunity for a new approach to the concept if the platform was not a desktop computer, but instead a mobile medium. We missed these Internet-powered port clay post about good greengrocers, small interesting building ornaments.

And perhaps even more controversial: recharge api experiences and small personal reflections on the city streets, houses, institutions and people. In short, the spontaneity.

Another criticism we had over was that we had personally experienced that you often have to use this information for recharge api good caves and bars when you were already in the city, and therefore not just be able to get on-line.

Another realization that pointed to a mobile medium could benefit concept. We worked for these realizations with a lot of different solutions and concepts.

We came, however, constantly on the same problem, namely that we found it hard to justify to ourselves why a location specific solution only could let users share information about caves or cinemas, when just as well be used for information exchange about everything else.

An analogy might be that you developed an internet with its own protocol just to make. It would here instead be smart to create an easily accessible concept and try to motivate recharge api people to use it in exactly the situations they found most interesting.

With the emergence of the Internet in mind we would like to leave it as easy as possible for users to generate content, and therefore we would not automatically steer the discourse it was created about a place.

This from a thought that there could be a large diversity among the different users. Our solutions thus ended with a focus on creating a concept that could facilitate location-specific communication in general- not just about café and cinemas.

That would involve users as co-developers of the concept was not an idea that had arisen out of thin air. We had been inspired by the new ideas and trends we met in the concepts of Web 2.0 and social software.

Chapter and Social Software In the following section, we will explain our understanding recharge api of the concepts of Web 2.0 and social software, as they are the concepts to include as an essential concept in the context of our study and our concept.

Web 2.0 and Social Software can as umbrella terms for a variety of leading trends and trends on the internet in the last year, and the same is true for our project.

Context of social

How the idea started First, a few words about how we even got started by looking at the relationship between site users of the same and the digital community.

This project is a continuation of some thoughts about a project we jointly developed for the course examination Social Software at ITU. Our starting point was that we wanted to make a piece of social software into a mobile medium, and that it should have non-digitized points as the focal point.

One of the first examples we conducted ourselves in the software that is based on the place was the Danish websites. These sites have had success in getting users to create a unique guide of Copenhagen, where users of the site that the content and doing reviews and recommendations.

Both sites have managed to create a productive community recharge api around a common interest to consumers- in this case Copenhagen. We examined the websites of topics and situations users typically dealt with, in order to create a mobile version of the concept.

We found that users overwhelmingly chose to 'notify' cinemas, caves, bars and restaurants. This is also expressed through menu categories at the two sites as well as most searched words. Many of the comments have been added to these 'reviews', typically fall into two categories:1 Those who agree and come with a short supplement, and2 that is completely disagreed.

Reviews and comments that appear to be well thought out and not be spontaneous. The reviews have almost without exception focusing on consumption or entertainment.

Some minor considerations and experiences of urban space, which may well be equally interesting, are rarely shared with other users of the site. One explanation could be that the interventions being written long after recharge api and far from the place they are experienced.

Furthermore, it was conceivable that some details are lost if the opportunity to document their experiences first present several hours after you have experienced them.

We have been inspired by Jim Shore as in the book Smart Mobs is involved with the following quote, written in 1996: What if we can put information in places? More precisely, what if we an associate information with a place.

And Perceived the information as if it were really there? The quote refers to a project called World Board has focused on creating augmented reality. This is about being able recharge api to wear a pair of glasses with built-in screen showing virtual graphics out on the physical recharge api locations.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Communicate and share

On the sticker is printed following text: This is a location-based micro blog. This text explains what stickers represent. Open the browser on your mobile phone and go to here is briefly explained how accesses concept via.

Mobile phone while recharge api specifies a unique URL x represents the text that make the URL unique such. 'Itu1'. Share your thoughts emotions Throughout this text, we seek to encourage people to information while we try to create an idea about the purpose of the concept. Internet address to our website which contains more information about O-live concept. The web application In the pictures shown how the graphical interface on an O-live typically will look at a modern mobile phone in this case a Nokia N95.

In the first picture is not shown any posts as we will illustrate the various features included in the graphical interface. Here you have the opportunity to enter his name in the Name field and recharge api a message in the Message field.

Followed by pressing the button post can add his message. During button is a status-text indicating what action you can perform. In this case: Write recharge api a message and press post. After creating a post changed this to Message added!.

In this way, users get feedback from the system so that they can see that their actions have had an effect. In the status field is possible to sort the messages in chronological order by selecting Show oldest comments first located on the bottom picture if you want to see the first created posts at the top. Thus, you avoid scrolling if, for example.

Many posts. In this picture is also seen how a post looks. First give the name entered followed by the word wrote:. Subsequently, it entered text and finally the date when the topic is recharge api created.

At the bottom of the graphical interface is located two links to, respectively, a help page that explains how micro blog used and a hand briefly explains the purpose of the concept.

The concept is intended as an open source project where all material is available through a Creative Commons license. Thus, any modifying and developing O-live recharge api their own needs and requirements. Stickers and posters can also free downloadable for free from our website.

Associated with the use

Not be discussed here. For a review of this we refer to the section developments around the O-live concept. O-live is a recharge api communications platform primarily targeted for the mobile phone.

The concept consists of a web application, a website and a sticker. Below, the individual parts which together O-live in its current state. System Requirements To use the O-live simply requires that you have a cell phone that is set up properly to access the Internet.

Process The following outlines the process of O-live, as we have conceived it. To visualize this process, we have prepared the following flow chart model.

Through a sticker which is signaled on a physical location that it is possible to access an O-live micro log on the Internet. In other words, represents the sticker a physical link to a digital location via a URL printed on sticker.

Users can enter this URL on their mobile phone directly on site and via the attached can add information and read any posts that might be created.

When the switch to micro are established via the link on sticker, users can both receive and add data through the phone. We have illustrated by arrows going both ways from the mobile phone and the user.

Through the use of the mobile phone to access micro are the users themselves both in the physical and digital context. Thus, the physical location enriched with content from the digital world, and this is illustrated by the overlap. Micro log contains an instance of our web application with a graphical user interface.

Via the web application it is recharge api possible to perform the following actions: read information, create new posts and sort the messages in chronological or reverse chronological order.

To create a forum requires only three clicks. First complete the fields' name and message and then press the button post. Immediately right after recharge api depending on your browser's capabilities and speed of Internet connection on the mobile phone you can see his presentation. The papers are by default listed in reverse chronological order so that the newest post is always at the top.

The sticker represents as aforesaid a link on a physical location that refers to a virtual O-live. Idea is that users recharge api eventually can download these from our website and even set them up in places they consider relevant.

Wisdom of the crowd

Optional features- Identity: How users identified in the system is primarily important as it ascribes a value to them in order, for example. A name. Additionally, identity helps support recharge api their group affiliatio.

Presence: Another important consideration is whether you can see users' movements within and outside the system. This can be described as the human perception of synchronization, but in spite of this coating can be present in both real-time and non real-time systems.

For example, the status function in real-time application Messenger show: not present, engaged, on-line mm. In addition, the user can specify recharge api a message Enter a personal message.

An example of the same function in a non real-time application is Jaipur Location field where users are encouraged to indicate where recharge api they are physically located.- Sharing: Here is meant not sharing communication but instead files, links or recharge api content on a Wikipedia page.

This can create several shared objects that can support a more enriched group identity. However, it can also make the focus of a group of more unclear if it suddenly will be added as a new opportunity.

Relationships: The ability to specify relationships among users can create closer ties but also cause the formation of clicks or niche groups. These may be transitive like

Facebook which indicate a person as a friend, or intransitive as on Flick where no authentication can call someone a friend. Rumor: To avoid spam, flaming can make it possible for users to assess each other through a rating system.

You can also choose to be moderators who can monitor and delete data in the system. The first way creates a sense of responsibility among users, but there is also danger of conspiracies and abuse. The second way gives order authority that can easily get to act as dictator.

Social software- Reinventing the wheel? Critics argue that with Social software is no question of any invention. According to them, banners the Social software around for many years in the form of chat rooms.

Messenger, IRC Internet Relay Chat, SMS, Massive On-line Role Playing Games abbreviated MMORPG's mm. Based on their understanding is Social software recharge api only applications that allow us to be social together through conversation or exchange of objects. Retrospectively we can endorse this.

Theory is simply

Examples of this are referred spam and flaming. It is hard to prevent this behavior completely, and it is seen in many services such. In the comment function on website YouTube see picture below.

Ref for analysis Example of spam in you tube comment box Finally, there must be features that prevent the group from escalating uninhibited. It is not appropriate if a group becomes too large, since it inhibits, and at worst destroy communication.

In the following section we recharge api will point form outline the elements that we believe represents Social software. These are based on the above texts as well as the article: The Two Pieces Social Software Must Have by Clay Shirks.

We have prepared a number of characteristics that are grouped into the following two groups: Essential features- Fundamental features that are necessary for the software can be defined as social.

Optional features- Pull not necessarily mandatory but we believe recharge api enriches and creates more substance in the software. Essential features- Groups: It must be possible for users to engage in a kind of common space.

For example. Be a group with a mailing list or a group of the sub-groups. This is typically seen at a forum. To one or more groups can exist, there also have to be a shared object that users are conscious aboutrecharge api. Through this awareness confirms users their allegiance to the group and create a common consciousness.

The common object, for example. Be communication, a location, race related, mm.- Communication. In order to create social interaction, it is essential that communication between the users is possible. This can be supported in many ways such. Mailing lists or through the production of one or more common objects with recharge api pages or popular links.

The above two features we think should be represented as an absolute minimum in order to define a given piece of software socially. There has to exist a group that has and is conscious of a common object. In particular, the knowledge is significant in this context.

An example of its importance can be seen in the comparison of Google. Both services contribute to is find links pointing to a number of users, but it is only makes users aware and conscious about their work associated with identifying links.

Google reads and indexes link structure, but it does not identify the groups that actually points to the various links. It should be pointed out here that we will not immediately write off Google as a social, but merely emphasize that there should be a distinction between active and latent social software where belongs to the former and recharge api Google in the latter.

Update and delete

Thus, members are more closely linked by having an object they can share, and they may differ from the great mass. In other words, this is a case of exclusion in relation to the world, but inclusion in relation to the group members.

There will emerge a membrane that prevents uncontrolled growth of a service because not everyone can attend without further ado. The social mechanisms and functions that move these groups, we have more in-depth theories to describe.

These are examined in Chapter 6th Another important part of social software is according to Shirk possibility of identity. There has to exist a way for users to identify each other so that there is a responsibility.

Through this identification occurs social conventions as in the non-technological world means that people behave reasonably well If all is anonymous, it will obviously be extremely difficult to have a conversation.

But almost impossible to keep track of phenomena like spam irrelevant and distracting information and flaming smearing of a specific individual or group. In O-live is identity supported by the ability to assign a name to a post.

The creator can thus be associated to the content. The other users of an O-live can therefore from above creating their own opinion about them. In our concept, however, is more a focus on recharge api the identity constituted by the content.

Thus, the individual consumes less interesting in relation to the total community. Closely related to the above, Shirk believes that it should be possible for users to build a reputation or possibly a rank.

This can be done simply by disclosing how long a person has been using, or more advanced through a recharge api karma system such Technology- and science fiction news site with user generated content. Karma acts as a marker of whether one is good or evil.

In other words, it is a reflection of the users good and bad acts. Karma influenced by several factors. This could be on one's comments get good grades by moderators or the quality of your articles.

This reinforces the aforementioned social recharge api conventions and counteracts anarchic behavior. In our concept, there is no technical measures recharge api to counter the bad behavior.

However, we argue that through the place is possible to ordinary social conventions transferred to the concrete O-live. If a plurality of people share the same location, we would think that this will have the ability to behave in the same way in both.

The real and the virtual context. Conversely, one can say that there will always exist people who do not see anything beneficial in a concept, and they are trying to discourage or prevent the use of others.

Creators of content

To syndicate data further without checking what happens to it at the other end, according to O'Reilly one of the fundamental ideas behind the original recharge api Internet, but is only now with Web 2.0 has become a reality.

Clay Shirk Another prominent figure in the field of Web 2.0, which we have chosen to involve, is Clay Shirk. He teaches writing at New York University NYU on social and technological networks and their impact on culture and vice verse.

We take in this section based on his texts Social software and the Politics of Groups and A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy. In these he tries to define social software's basic features and content.

Clay Shirks has a very broad and comprehensive definition of social software: Social software, software group communications, includes everything from the simple CC: line in email to vast 3D game worlds like EverQuest.

And it can as Indirect as a chat room, or as task-oriented as a collaborative work space The main objective is therefore communication, which of course can take place in many ways and in many forms.

According to Shirk, it characterizes the trend in Social software to user groups can be described as independent entities, based on the specific behaviors performed in the group. We will go deeper into groups and community formation and behavior in Chapter6 on Common Creators.

This means that you can not investigate a recharge api group of people who interact between each other by looking at the individual in isolation. Social software should just focus on the users as groups and not individuals, which is a markedly different way of thinking than before.

Prior to the internet, we had more than a hundred years of experience with broadcasting media as publishing, radio and television Here it was possible to communicate to many.

But the focus was put on the isolated individual and not to support communication between many people at a time. This issue will be elaborated in the end Chapter3 of Micro Logs- a modern medium.

Another important point is, according to Shirk idea of the target group for a piece of software. If it before was about recharge api inclusion and was wagered on all people as a target group for a recharge api piece of software, it is social software for exclusion.

Thus, the successful services them where there are various barriers in the way of everyone to join a group. It can be in the form of a password you need to know or to be written a number of decent posts before becoming a full member.

Shirk believes that this process of getting through the eye of the needle strengthens group affiliation and allows users to stand out from the rest of the world, for instance by having it as a shared object.

Framework and professionals

The first version of this program forms thebasis for the work of the Commission from to. In the not yet officially adopted a proposal for recharge api the first spectrum policy come the following objectives emerged.

Measures to encourage the efficient use of recharge api spectrum. Enhanced coordination of EU positions in international negotiations. Contribution of Spectrum Policy to the vision and the Digital Agenda, in particular to achieving the goal of broadband for all.

To promote the efficient use of spectrum, the Commission proposes a variety of actions for to make the frequency spectrum easily accessible to users. Flexible the system of allocation of frequencies and the use of spectrum.

Technique and service neutral appropriated stimulates innovation and increases the freedom of choice for users and consumer. Also, a coherent EU spectrum policy, in which the use of frequency spectrum is gradually introduced systematic and harmonized, the Commission considers of great interest.

With the enhanced coordination of EU positions in international negotiations wants Commission recharge api especially avoid border coordination problems with EU neighbors implementation hinder European coordination and harmonization measures.

One of the main ideas behind the European Digital Agenda is the notion that broadband is crucial for promoting economic growth and employment in Europa.

According to the plans of Commissioner would anyone in the European Union in should have access to basic. In, everyone would have access may have a bandwidth capacity of at least, and at least half of Europeans should even have an internet connection with a capacity. For this purpose is considered both the use of fixed and mobile networks is necessary.

More capacity on mobile networks requires both more spectrum as a condensation of these networks. In the EU context the aim is to be a part of the digital dividend in the UHF band with especially the MHz band make available for electronic communications services, otherwise than broadcasting see also section.

This tire is ideally suited for providing geographical coverage in sparsely populated areas and for reception in buildings. European developments may affect the recharge api policy as it is in this note deployed. So this can imply that this policy should be adjusted if the purpose necessity from a European framework.

User generated content

Between and, the penetration rate of mobile connections rises SMS and voice services to over and start hitting the market saturated. In the extension of this takes place between and a consolidation site, where the number declining market of five to three.

In April, the auction recharge api of. GHz frequencies place with the result that at present there are five more parties in possession of mobile communications frequencies. Over the past years, mobile communications become a service that is not indispensable in our modern information society.

From draws with the emergence and growing popularity of user friendly smart phones the use of mobile Internet enormously. recharge api Between June and June the mobile data traffic. Revenue from the supply of mobile data doubles in the same period.

Is expected that mobile data traffic in the coming years will recharge api continue to grow as more people use smart phones, more and more services and applications available, and there are many other connected devices to make use of mobile network.

The growth of data recharge api traffic on mobile networks is both driven by the wide range of new applications that allow smart phones, navigation and location based services.

On the other, their smart phones users are increasingly able to get through their mobile Internet connection to use the same services via a fixed connection. Moreover, the expectation of people is increasingly called upon through a mobile internet connection.

The same should be able to and through the fixed internet connection that they have at home. All this contributes coming in that the mobile Internet is increasingly a substitute for a fixed Internet access, instead of just a complement.

To accommodate this tremendous growth in data traffic will operators expected to capacity should expand their networks. This can be done by compacting networks more antennae shorter distance, or by allowing new spectrum efficient technologies fit that promise much higher access speeds than currently achievable.

For this, the years recharge api ahead hefty investments needed in network equipment, and to encourage customers to make use of newer technologies. A number of factors will help determine the readiness of the market for these investments do.

Besides certainty about what will happen in upcoming distributions of frequencies it is also important for market participants that they can put flexibly licensed frequencies thanks to technology and service neutral licensing.

And that economies of scale for equipment can be achieved by harmonizing destinations of frequency bands European and international level. The European Commission, on the basis of the Radio Spectrum.

Decision proposals do for harmonization of spectrum use. Further, in the New Regulatory of EU Digital Agenda Commissioner announced that Parliament and the Council spectrum policy will adopt.

Leave to the market

Occurs both markets, OPTA concluded that the is a national market. Regarding the competitive situation in the market for mobile voice and data services OPTA concluded that there is no question at this time of individual or collective material market power in the wholesale and retail.

This means that at this time there is effective competition within the meaning of the Telecommunications Act. OPTA also concludes that competitive pressure from mobile virtual network operators in is limited.

That there are now only three are capable of equivalent to each other compete not imply OPTA that the degree of competition recharge api is limited.

The current three mobile network operators have OPTA or both markets possibility to restrict the level of competition. OPTA determined on the basis of a detailed analysis that the market for mobile telecommunications is a risk of tacit coordination of market behavior.

The instructions for this are in the opinion of OPTA insufficient to conclude that at this moment there is collective dominance. There is, however, according to the College or the recharge api threat of the emergence of collective SMP.

Based on this image of the state of competition in the relevant markets, OPTA considers that spectrum policy should be aimed at potential entry. To do this, are possible additional measures in the allocation of mobile communications frequencies to orders, which lower entry barriers.

When entry barriers are reduced, then increases the likelihood of entry, and the dynamics is increased on the market. In this way, takes for existing players the incentive to compete and takes the risk of tacit Coordination off.

Because the number of players for which there is room on the market is not infinite, the method of frequency would only accession should allow for parties can effectively compete. OPTA proposes to how many parties to participate.

OPTA also advises explicitly in the memorandum to which the objectives Ministry attaches the most interest, in other words, to which object is the highest priority and which have given a lower priority.

Points they p because different objectives as they were able to set out in the consultation with each other. Based on the evaluation of the auction. GHz band also came to PWC the recommendation.

To provide more clarity on the policy objectives and principles and the importance of the various objectives and principles should be attached The development of mobile communications in the Netherlands recharge api starts Me t open up the telecommunications market in the s. This is followed by licensing for GSM, DCS and UMTS and the subsequent roll out of rural opaque networks.

The most value

Around this note off by the purpose and therefore summarize instruments used briefly. Finally, the appendices contain a more comprehensive overview of the main features of the responses to the consultation in September and the various studies conducted in the preparation of this note.

With this objective in implementation of a higher goal, namely a mobile communications market, where there is permanent affordable access to high quality mobile service for all users in the Netherlands.

This objective fits recharge api into broader objectives and frameworks of the EU and of Netherlands. Effect Market participants have indicated to want clarity on the issue of frequencies and how government in the coming years will use the frequency policy.

The purpose of the frequency policy, effective competition now and in the longer term, ensuring continuity of recharge api service, affordability of these services and will stimulate innovation services.

Effective competition requires that there is room enough for players and for renewal. If necessary, the competition could be enhanced through at auction s newcomers priority be given the opportunity to obtain frequencies.

The instrument auction thereto, within recharge api the frameworks of the target, such that Participants compete for spectrum. In this way, the license go to the party generate do with the license and the participants are stimulated a competitive bid down.

Between the elements of the target is a clear hierarchy. Most important is the pursuit to recharge api effective competition. Thereafter, it successively comes to the continuity of services, promoting new and innovative forms of service and market pricing.

Obviously, these three elements will need careful consideration be in the light of the circumstances that play a role at the time of making. In the case, for example, a slight deterioration of the continuity of service at the expense is of much lower investment in innovation stands to reason, in respect to the element the promotion of new types of services to prioritize.

In such cases can be made from the above purposes of this memorandum, OPTA has been asked to make an analysis of the mobile communication markets with the objective to determine.

Whether it is necessary to provide additional measures to be taken in the allocation of frequencies to promote concurrent. For this, OPTA Competition recharge api on the Dutch mobile communications markets examined.

It evaluated the relevant mobile communications markets and the competitive situation mapped in these markets. OPTA concludes that the primary market the bundled offer of mobile voice and data services. OPTA further notes that a market may exist for mobile data services via a notebook.

Favor of a speed

Finally, it is recommended that in setting up an auction to design an emergency braking procedure that can be put in motion to avoid inefficient market outcomes.

Also, performed in the calculation of this note siding PA Consulting Group study on the differences between the various bands that can be used for mobile communication, and its implications for different business cases.

Finally, PWC research exported to any parties interested in acquiring frequencies in the next auction. Additionally, PWC makes clear what effect possible policy may have on competition and the attractiveness.

Auctioning Where relevant, more recharge api specifically address these reports in the following chapters. Finally, a consultation leading up to the present note in September. In response nineteen parties have submitted an opinion thereon.

The vast majority of the parties were in mobilization of the MHz band. However, it was taking to draw attention to the possible interference mobile communication signals can cause in this band on cable networks.

Also, there was called attention to the unlicensed users of the MHz band program support services and wireless microphones. In addition, the majority was the parties agree with the distinction between low frequency coverage frequencies below GHz and high frequencies recharge api for capacity frequencies above GHz.

Finally, there was a high degree of consensus on the proposal for a commissioning duty, where a number of parties still they knew the obligation limited to the low frequencies to find.

Parties were divided on the other hand, whether newcomers frequency distributions had to be helped, and if so in what way through a cap, through an exclusive reservation of frequency space for newcomers, or through the imposition of an obligation to provide access to national roaming possible make.

There was also disagreement over the handling time for permits and on answering whether licensees more information would should provide information on the actual use of frequencies. In the appendix of this paper is a more comprehensive overview of the main outlines that have emerged from the consultation.

Where relevant, in addition to the following sections more specifically address the reactions of the parties as forward brought into the consultation. Structure In chapter, put forth the objective of the frequency allocation policy.

In addition, this is going to chapter in the competitive analysis of OPTA, the Dutch market for mobile communication. Chapter contains a brief outline of recent developments in the market for mobile communications and show consistency with international.

European and national policy developments, including the Digital Agenda of the European Commission and the Radio Spectrum Policy Programmed. Chapter recharge api then discusses the policy that the government will deploy in order to achieve the objective of chapter, in which each instrument shows how it is applied.