Thursday 4 December 2014

State of competition

So aims to enhance the uses for licensees by in European regulation's recharge api frequency engineering and allocate service neutral There is also a trend to reduce licensing conditions to a minimum.

Beside calls on the Digital Agenda of the European Commission for greater harmonization of rate policy and is a mufti spectrum policy. This program, the Radio Spectrum Policy Programmed or RSPP is currently in preparation.

The objective of this program will be to set out the policy orientations and objectives for the strategic planning and harmonization of spectrum use in the Community.

The past thirty years has pursued the government policy to the telecommunications form give. In the same period, the market of mobile communications become a market that no longer is indispensable in our society.

The choices for users rose sharply, the quality and extent of the services offered is greatly improved, and prices are gooey. For the coming years, the challenge for the government in the frequency allocation policy.

Ensure effective competition in this market and encourage, wherever possible. Both existing and potential allowed to acquire frequencies amount that is appropriate for their offerings and future new licensees should be plans.

Permits must offer them do as much flexibility as possible in the offering services and technology to use. In addition, the continuity of the allowed mobile services are not compromised.

Finally, space should be recharge api provided for to the deployment of new technologies, without neglecting existing technologies be penalized unnecessarily. A competitive analysis recharge api in the run up to this letter of the mobile. Herein, the Board has examined the relevant communications markets are and what the thereon.

The Board also acts under more recommendations for how the competition can be as good as possible facilitated. A more detailed competition analysis is given in Chapter.

Investigate PWC and PA Consulting Group In addition recharge api to the competitive analysis PWC held an evaluation by OPTA. GHz veiling. In it are the policy preparation, policy formulation, the selected auction model and implementation.

GHz auction, evaluated. The results of the evaluation were included in the determination of this note. It is recommended to have a clear vision at auctions about what is intended with the frequency and leave the distribution precede thorough examination of markets.

Policy objectives and principles should be clearly formulated thereby advance, including a prioritization between the various objectives and principles, whereby during auction processes flexibility should be to make adjustment.

Provided that fit within the policy objectives and principles. By making a risk analysis of the process and by the tight schedule send any delays can be minimized.

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